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Standards Program


The Professional Standards Program (PSP) is a voluntary program established by the National Association of Education Office Professionals (NAEOP) to encourage education office professionals to grow professionally. The privilege of participation will be open to active and retired NAEOP members only.

The program is designed as a series of nine levels. The awarding of a certificate based on education, experience and professional activity recognizes each level of achievement in the program. The current highest-level certificate must be recertified five years from issue date or upgraded according to the guidelines to be considered current by NAEOP.

A member who holds the Advanced III, Associate Degree or higher is qualified to apply for the distinction of Certified Educational Office Employee (CEOE) or Certified Educational Support Employee (CESE).

The program is governed by the Professional Standards Program governing body, referred to as the Governing Board. The PSP Committee makes recommendations to the Governing Board. The final decision is made by the NAEOP Board of Directors.


Email for more information and to set up a meeting with the PSP representative.


  • Keep track of all training your receive either on or off campus

  • Get a copy of your unofficial transcript to check your education credits 

  • Make copies of all certificates of training (make sure you get a certificate at each training you attend or an email verification of attendance)

  • Keep track of all your membership/volunteer work in BSUAOP and NAEOP (10 points are needed for PSP applicants)


Membership = 1 point per year
Elected Officer = 2 points
Committee Chair = 2 points
Committee Member = 1 point
Workshop/Seminar leader or keynote speaker = 2 point

NAEOP Board of Directors/Advisor = 1 point


For complete requirements see the NAEOP PSP Guidelines:

NAEOP Affiliations, Alliances & Endorsements:
American Association of School Administrators (AASA)

National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP)

National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP)

Association of School Business Officials (ASBO)

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