
Bosses Breakfast
Bosses Breakfast began as a way to honor bosses and has grown into a way to create commraderie throughout campus. The event is held in early fall each year and is generally a lot of laughs while eating breakfast. University leadership takes an active interest and involvement with this event that is more like family. 2024 Bosses Breakfast: October 31, 2024 7:30am - 9:00 am Student Union Building, Simplot Ballroom

Holiday Auction
The Holiday Auction is our major fundraiser as a self supporting organization. Held in November or December each year, funds raised are used to support our events, send AOP leadership to the NAEOP conference and offer scholarships for courses, training, workshops, etc., to our members. Want to help plan? Let the board know!

Professional Development Day
Professional Development Day is an annual event that takes place in the spring. We offer a full day of workshops and training that encompass a variety of topics. 2025 Professional Development Day Details TBD