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Article 1:

Section 1.1

The name of the Association shall be Boise State University Association of Office Professionals, also known as Boise State Association of Office Professionals, BSUAOP, AOP, or the Association.​

Section 1.2

The Association consists of all active and associate members.

Article 2:

The purpose of this Association shall be to elevate the standards and promote the professional growth of personnel within the University, to provide for a finer understanding of the relationship between the University and the community in order to promote positive attitudes, and to encourage further training in specific skills relevant to each member’s job responsibilities.

Article 3:

This Association shall annually affiliate with the National Association of Educational Office Professionals (NAEOP).

Article 4:

Section 1

Membership/Election Year will be July 1 through June 30 to coincide with other Boise State Organizations and with the University fiscal year

Section 2

Membership shall be of two (2) classes: Active and Associate.

Section 2.1

Active Members - All classified or professional employees in the educational system of Boise State University are eligible for active membership upon payment of annual dues. Members are entitled to vote, hold office, and participate in all activities of the Association, except some awards, see Article VII, Section 2.3.


Section 2.2

Associate Members - Faculty can participate as associate members with all the privileges of the active members except the right to hold office and vote. They will be required to pay the annual dues. Current active AOP members who retire are invited to become lifetime Associate members and will not be required to pay dues.

Section 3

Annual Dues –  Membership begins with payment of dues and is for the membership year, July 1 through June 30.

Section 4

Withdrawal of Employment – Boise State employment termination cancels AOP membership, which is reinstated if employed again within that membership year.

Article 5:

Section 1: Association Officers

The officers of the Association are the President, President-Elect, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Treasurer-Elect, Immediate Past President, and Member Representatives. All of whom must be members in good standing when they assume office at the beginning of the membership year for which they were elected. Members in good standing are defined by payment of dues within one month of assuming office. Non-payment of dues may result in removal from the Board and the Association.

Section 2: Executive Board

The Executive Board shall consist of the President, President-Elect, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. All shall have voting privileges during Executive Board meetings.

Article 6:
Duties of Officers

Section 1: President

The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and of the Executive Board, shall call special meetings of the Executive Board, and shall appoint committees as indicated in Article VIII. The President shall be a member ex-officio of all committees. The President will be the chair of Bosses Breakfast or assign a chair for the event. The President or the Treasurer (President-Elect or Past President in lieu of either availability) shall be responsible for approving all Travel Authorization forms for members when Association funds are to be expended for travel-related costs, along with the approval of all funds in operation of the organization. The President shall be responsible for requesting employee release time for all events through the Boise State President's Office.

Section 2: President-Elect

The President-Elect shall fill a vacancy in the Presidency and be Chair of the annual Professional Development Day.

Section 3: Vice President

The Vice President shall perform the duties of the President in the event of the President’s absence, be Chair of the Enrichment Programming Committee and manage scholarships.

Section 4: Secretary

The Secretary keeps an accurate record of the proceedings of the Association, the Board and Executive Board meetings, emails the Board a copy of the minutes within five business days after the meeting and ensures minutes are voted on by the board prior to the next meeting.

Section 5: Treasurer

The Treasurer shall receive all monies, disburse funds as directed by the Executive Board, approve funds as necessary, instruct members on matters dealing with the budget, and work with the University’s financial system in conjunction with the President and committee chairs. They will present a monthly report to the Board and at Association meetings. The Treasurer shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.

Section 6: Treasurer-Elect

The Treasurer-Elect shall work with the Treasurer in learning the financial system and the AOP account. They will assist the Treasurer with monthly reports and fill in for the Treasurer in their absence.

Section 7: Immediate

Past President

The Immediate Past President shall be Chair of the Holiday

Auction Committee and of the Nominations and Elections Committee. If the chair will be on the ballot and running for a position in the Association, the President will appoint a chair of the Nominations and Elections Committee.

Section 8:

Member Representatives

There are four elected Member Representatives. One representative will be appointed Chair of the Membership Committee, which will consist of all Representatives. Duties of these Representatives include marketing and outreach, membership renewal notices, new member contact, updating and maintaining the current membership roster and other assigned responsibilities. Each Representative may also be assigned responsibilities to other committees.

Section 9: Assigned Duties

With approval from the Board, the President shall be able to shift assigned duties as needed for the operation of the Association. The Board shall perform other duties as the Association may require.

Section 10: Vacancies

In the event of a vacancy, the Board or Executive Board shall have the power to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the term, except that of the President, whose vacancy would be filled by the President-Elect.

Article 7:
Rules of Elections

Section 1: Nominations and Elections Committee

The Nominations and Elections Committee has three (3) members: the Immediate Past President, serving as chair, two from the membership-at-large.

Section 2: Nominations and Elections

The Nominations and Elections Committee presents a call to the general membership for board candidates by March 15th of each year. Elections shall be completed by May 1st. Membership shall be apprised of the new board for the upcoming membership year and they will be introduced at the annual general meeting and luncheon.

Section 3: Positions

The following positions will be part of the Nominations and Elections process each year.

Section 3.1: President-Elect

The President-Elect shall be elected annually and will serve a three-year term: first year serving as President-Elect, second year serving as President, and third year serving as Immediate Past President. It is in the best interest of the Association that the person elected into the President-Elect position have an excellent working knowledge of the Association’s activities, purpose, and doctrine in order to uphold the highest standard of professionalism and integrity that those who have come before have worked hard to achieve and maintain. Anyone running for this position is encouraged to have served at least 2 years on the Executive Board before being elected, and intends to stay at Boise State as an Active Member of the Association for at least three years.

Section 3.2: President

Because the previous President-Elect will fill the office of President, no nominations for President will be needed on the ballot. If the President-Elect cannot serve as President, nominees will be placed on the ballot for both President and President Elect.

Section 3.3: Vice President, Treasurer, Treasurer-Elect, Secretary

The Vice President, Treasurer-Elect, and Secretary shall be elected annually for a term of one year. The Vice President and Secretary may succeed themselves in office for one additional term. The Treasurer-Elect will become Treasurer the following year. Additional terms may occur only when no new nominees are available.

Section 3.4: Member Representatives

Member Representatives shall be elected for a term of two years. As available, two Representatives shall be elected on odd-numbered years and two shall be elected on even-numbered years. Representatives may succeed themselves in office for one additional two-year term.

Section 4: Committee Chairs

Committee chairs serve at the discretion of the President and are not subject to elections or limits of terms other than those assigned according to office held.

Section 5: Elections

The Membership Chair shall assist in determining members’ eligibility to vote. All active members in good standing shall receive a ballot. The candidates receiving the highest number of votes for each office shall be verified by the Committee and declared elected. In the event of a tie those nominees may decide to go to a secondary vote to decide the election.

Article 8:
Committees and Appointments

Section 1:

Standing Committees, Appointments, Representatives The President, with acceptance from the appointee and approval of the Board, shall appoint the following positions annually as Standing Committee Chairs, Representatives and or Appointees. Exceptions are the positions in which specific Board members are assigned as part of their duties.

  • Newsletter Editor

  • Scholarship Chair (Vice President)

  • Awards Chair

  • Bylaws and Standing Rules Chair (Every 3 years)

  • Membership Chair

  • Nominations and Elections Chair (Immediate Past President)

  • Enrichment Programming Chair (Vice President)

  • Bosses Breakfast Chair (President)

  • Holiday Auction Chair (Immediate Past President)

  • Professional Development Day Chair (President Elect)

  • Website Manager(s)

  • Professional Standards Program (PSP) Representative (Must have PSP/CEOE)

  • JUCOM Representative

​Section 2: Duties of the Standing Committees, Appointments and Representatives

The Chair of each committee shall put out a call for the members of the committee. Unless otherwise stated, there should be at least three members for each committee. Committee members will be identified in monthly meeting minutes. All board members plus volunteers shall help on the AOP major events.

Section 2.1: Newsletter Editor

The Newsletter Editor is responsible for publishing a newsletter up to four times per membership year. The official name of the publication shall be “The Keynoter.” Recommended publication pattern: September/October, November/December, February/March, and April/May. The Newsletter Editor shall also assist in development of the marketing and use materials for all events. No committee is required, though board information participation is.

Section 2.2.: Scholarship Chair

The Scholarship Chair is responsible for reviewing applications to verify  meeting guidelines, processing scholarship applications of members in good standing, and submitting their recommendations to the Executive Board for final approval. They will work with Bosses Breakfast committee, along with Membership Representatives for advertising the availability of scholarships. The chair is also responsible for ensuring that the budget, set by the Executive Board, is followed and determining due dates for applications that will follow all University travel and payment guidelines. The chair will adhere to the Standing Rules for Scholarship Guidelines.

Section 2.3: Awards Chair

The committee is responsible for marketing the “Administrator of the Year” and “Office Professional of the Year” awards, managing the nomination process, and selecting the winners for presentation at the annual Bosses Breakfast. The Awards Chair shall be an ex-officio member of the Bosses Breakfast committee. The President and members of this committee are ineligible for the two awards.

Section 2.4: Bylaws and Standing Rules Chair

The committee shall review both documents to ensure adherence to and make update recommendations to the Board at least every three years. After the Board review and vote, changes will be sent to the active membership for final voting.

Section 2.5: Membership Chair

The Membership Chair shall be appointed from the Member Representatives and the committee will consist of all Representatives. Duties include: issuing membership renewal notices, determining the eligibility of members to vote, promoting membership, updating and maintaining the membership roster and supporting various AOP committees as assigned.

Section 2.6: Nominations and Elections Chair

The Immediate Past President is the Chair of the Committee. The Nominations and Elections Committee shall comply with the regulations provided in Article VII of this document.

Section 2.7: Enrichment Programming Committee Chair

The Enrichment Programming Committee Chair is the Vice President. The committee will develop programming that may provide speakers, workshop leaders, or resources to online training.

Section 2.8: Bosses Breakfast Chair

The Bosses Breakfast Chair will present a call for a committee, which should include all Board members, to encompass both behind the scenes work and the entertainment work, with planning to begin the prior membership year. The Bosses Breakfast Chair will also work with the Awards Chair.

Section 2.9: Holiday Auction Chair

The Holiday Auction Chair is the Immediate Past President. The chair is responsible for selecting the committee, which will include at least three active members plus all willing past presidents and the auctioneer(s).

Section 2.10: Professional Development Day (PDD) Chair

The Professional Development Day Chair is the President-Elect. The chair is responsible for selecting the committee which will include at least three or more members. Upon Executive Board approval, the committee shall develop programming, select meaningful speakers and workshop leaders, and make all logistical arrangements for the day-long mini conference. The conference is open to all campus employees and should be advertised to local school districts administrative personnel also.

Section 2.11: Website Manager(s)

The President will appoint or hire the Website Manager(s) who will be responsible for maintaining and updating the website or Association information pages as directed by the President and the Executive Board.

Section 2.12: Professional Standards Program (PSP) Representative

The PSP Representative shall endorse and maintain the ideals and standards of this organization by encouraging members to maintain a high level of performance in their work by enrolling in the NAEOP Professional Standards Program. The PSP Representative shall provide members with information on how to enroll, provide or arrange for coaching, and work with chairs to submit each monthly program to NAEOP for approval towards PSP requirements. The PSP Representative shall have their PSP and/or CEOE. In lieu of a qualified member the President will ask a NAEOP member to be the representative.

Section 2.13: Joint University Change Organizations Meeting (JUCOM) Representative

Will be responsible for representing the Association at the monthly meetings of JUCOM and reporting back information to the Association of the meetings.

Section 3: Special Appointments

The President may appoint special committees, appointees or representatives as necessary. The President and Treasurer shall serve as ex-officio members of all standing and special committees. Due to higher workload, it is recommended that all main event committees have co-chairs.

Section 4: Committee Reports

At each AOP monthly meeting and the end of the membership year, each Committee Chair shall prepare a report. Monthly reports will be given at AOP meetings, annual reports in writing will be presented at the Annual General Meeting and Luncheon. The reports will be added to monthly meeting minutes, annual reports will be saved in the AOP Google drive and a copy placed with Albertsons Library Special Collections & Archives.

Article 9:

Section 1: Meetings

Scheduled monthly Board meetings shall be attended by all board members and are open meetings. Notice and proxy should be sent to the President if a meeting cannot be attended. Board members missing two or more meetings may be replaced at the President’s and Board’s request.

Section 2: Annual Meeting

The Annual General Meeting and Luncheon of the Association should be held in June and is an overview of the membership year, allows for any membership voting needs, be a listening session for direction for the new year and introduce the new board.

Section 3: Special Meetings

The president may call special meetings of the Board or Executive Board. A two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Board is required to call special meetings of the membership.

Section 4: Meeting Business

The suggested inclusion of business for board meetings of the Association should be as follows: Call to Order, Establish Quorum, Approval of Minutes, Communication, Finances Update, Reports of Committees and Special Committees, Reports of Campus Associations, Unfinished Business from previous meeting, New Business, and Action Items.

Section 5: Conducting Business

All meetings of this Association shall be conducted according to

parliamentary procedures as set forth in the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order or by other means as determined by the Board at the beginning of each membership year.

Article 10:

Section 1: Board

A simple majority of the elected members of the Board or Executive Board shall  constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

Section 2: Membership

A simple majority of the membership present or voting shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at the Annual General Meeting and Luncheon or other special meetings or votes of the membership.

Article 11:

Section 1: Bylaws Amendments

Amendments to the Bylaws shall be submitted in writing to the President for discussion at the next Board meeting. Once amendments have been approved by the board, they shall be submitted to the general membership at least 15 days prior to a vote being taken.

Section 2: Amendment Voting

When voting occurs during a meeting, a simple majority of all voting members present is required to pass an amendment. When voting occurs electronically or by other means, a simple majority of all votes returned is required to pass an amendment.

Section 3: Amendment Adoption

The amendment shall become effective immediately following adoption.

Article 12:

The Association shall indemnify any present or former officer or member of the Association, and their respective heirs, administrators, personal representatives, successors and assigns, against any and all costs and expenses, including, but not limited to, counsel fees, judgments paid and amounts paid in settlement (before or after legal proceedings are commenced), actually and reasonably incurred, in connection with the defense of any claim, action, suit or proceeding, whether civil, criminal, administrative or otherwise in nature, in which such person may be involved by reason of being or having been such officer or member of the Association, except in relation to matters as to which such officer or member shall be adjudged in any action, suit or proceeding to be liable for his own negligence or misconduct in the performance of a duty to the Association.

A conviction or judgment, whether based on a plea of guilty or nolo contendere or its equivalent, or after trial, in a criminal action, suit or proceeding shall not be deemed an adjudication of liability for negligence or misconduct in the performance of a duty to the Association, if such officer or member acted in good faith and believed that such action was for the best interest of the Association with no reasonable cause to believe that the action was illegal.

The foregoing indemnification shall not be deemed exclusive of any other rights to which such officer or member may be entitled under any bylaw, agreement or otherwise. The Association, its officers, members or agents shall be fully protected in taking any action or making any payment under this Article XII, or in refusing to do so upon the advice of legal counsel.

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